READ - Rural Education and Development (READ) Foundation
About READ
Background Information

Emerging Economies such as China, India, etc contain more than 37% world’s total population. As per reports developing economies median age profile range from 25 years to 35 years who will contribute to future of global life. Further complexity is lent by the great variation that occurs across this population on social parameters such as income and education. As per census data most of this population even today revolves mostly around agriculture and allied activities in small villages in remote rural areas, where the overwhelming majority of people live.

Even though education is a fundamental human right and every child is entitled to it; as per reports of World Bank and UNICEF; if we take a snapshot of the state of education across the globe and especially for developing economies, the image would shock many of us. Current estimates place the number of out-of-school children close to a billion.

Education is critical to our development as individuals and as societies, and it helps pave the way to a successful and productive future. When we ensure that all children have access to a rights-based, quality education, we create a ripple effect of opportunity that impacts generations to come.

Education enhances lives. It ends generational cycles of poverty and disease and provides a foundation for sustainable development. A good quality basic education better equips girls and boys with the knowledge and skills necessary to adopt healthy lifestyles, protect themselves from diseases, and take an active role in social, economic and political decision-making as they transition to adolescence and adulthood. Educated adults are more likely to have fewer children, to be informed about appropriate child-rearing practices and to ensure that their children start school on time and are ready to learn.

We believe that main goal of education is basically to develop the knowledge, character of students or skill. The importance of education is divided into two reasons. The first one is that the training of human mind is never complete without the education and the second one is that the human kind is enabled to receive the information from external world and they receive all type of information regarding the present. Without the education, any human being is totally like a closed room and is not in the proper sense till he/she is educated. Education is the most important part of knowledge of putting one's potential to a maximize use and each kind of job path has shown its own step to success.

We strongly believe that education is birth right of every kid globally but the reality is that there are millions of children out there who do not get even the basic education
Background Information
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